Pečečnik, R. (2022). Ontološki problemi režije (Master's thesis). Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art. Retrieved from
Pečečnik, Rok. "Ontološki problemi režije." Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art, 2022.
Pečečnik, Rok. "Ontološki problemi režije." Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art, 2022.
Pečečnik, R. (2022). 'Ontološki problemi režije', Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art, accessed 14 March 2025,
Pečečnik R. Ontološki problemi režije [Master's thesis]. Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art; 2022 [cited 2025 March 14] Available at:
R. Pečečnik, "Ontološki problemi režije", Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art, Zagreb, 2022. Available at:
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University of Zagreb Academy of dramatic art (Theatre and Radio Broadcasting Department) Zagreb
Defense date and country
2022-11-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
FIELD OF ART Theater Arts (Performing and Media Arts)
Kazališna umjetnost koliko god se činila samorazumljiva kao pojam i u konceptualnom smislu, krije niz izazova i niz predodžbi. Ovaj rad prikazuje neke od problema vezanih za samu direktnu ontologiju umjetnosti, kazališne umjetnosti i kazališne režije. Koncepti kao što su mimezis, redateljsko kazalište, mit, ritual, glumac, kazališni kozmološki prostor zauzimaju glavninu ovog rada. Ti se koncepti promatraju sa stajališta modernog promišljanja kazališta, zagledanog u napredak kao sloterdajkovski proces samopojačavanja u traženju boljeg i gustog vremena.
Abstract (english)
Theater art, however self-explanatory as a term and in a conceptual sense, hides a number of challenges and a number of ideas. This paper shows some of the problems related to the very direct ontology of art, theater art and theater direction. Concepts such as mimesis, director's theater, myth, ritual, actor, theatrical cosmological space occupy the majority of this work. These concepts are observed from the perspective of the modern thinking and ideas about theater, looking at progress as a Sloterdijk process of self-reinforcement in search of a better and denser time.
Title: Theater Directing and Broadcasting Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra kazališne režije i radiofonije (magistar/magistra kazališne režije i radiofonije)