Merćep, S. (2024). U stvarnosti i u fikciji (Master's thesis). Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art. Retrieved from
Merćep, Sanja. "U stvarnosti i u fikciji." Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art, 2024.
Merćep, Sanja. "U stvarnosti i u fikciji." Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art, 2024.
Merćep, S. (2024). 'U stvarnosti i u fikciji', Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art, accessed 14 March 2025,
Merćep S. U stvarnosti i u fikciji [Master's thesis]. Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art; 2024 [cited 2025 March 14] Available at:
S. Merćep, "U stvarnosti i u fikciji", Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art, Zagreb, 2024. Available at:
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University of Zagreb Academy of dramatic art Zagreb
Defense date and country
2024, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
FIELD OF ART Applied Art Photography
U fotografskoj seriji U stvarnosti i u fikciji bavila sam se (de)konstrukcijom
reprezentacije planinskog pejzaža kroz kreiranje osobnog pogleda na planinski pejzaž
te kroz dokumentiranje različitih oblika društvene imaginacije planina. Fokusirajući se
na privatne predmete koji služe kao medijatori mojeg osobnog planinarskog iskustva,
u radu sam prikazala simboličke i imaginarne dimenzije planinskog pejzaža koje su u
javnom polju rjeđe vidljive. U drugom, dokumentarističkom dijelu rada fokusirala sam
se na bilježenje različitih načina reprezentacije planinskog pejzaža u raznim
(ne)planinarskim kontekstima, naglašavajući pritom njihovu konstruiranost.
U pisanom dijeli rada analizirala sam planinski pejzaž kroz niz aspekata koji su važni
za teorijsku i umjetničku kontekstualizaciju praktičnog dijela diplomskog rada. Nakon
teorijskog definiranja pojma pejzaža, kao temeljne karakteristike dominantne
reprezentacije planinskog pejzaža istaknula sam pastoralnost i uzvišenost. Odmicanje
od navedenih karakteristika postavila sam kao centralni motiv daljnjeg razvoja
fotografske serije. Analizirajući fotografske koncepte korištene prilikom razvoja serije
(konstruirana, meta i tiha fotografija) u radu sam nadalje definirala različite umjetničke
odluke nastale tijekom istraživačkog
Abstract (english)
In the photographic series In Fact and in Fiction, I have explored the (de)construction
of the representation of mountain landscape by creating a personal perspective on the
mountains and documenting various forms of social imagination about mountains.
Focusing on personal items that serve as mediators of my personal hiking experience,
I have depicted the symbolic and imaginary dimensions of mountain landscape that
are less visible in the public sphere. In the second, documentary part of the work, I
have focused on recording different ways of representing mountain landscape in
various (non)hiking contexts, emphasizing their constructed nature.
In the written part of the work, I have analyzed the mountain landscape through a
range of aspects important for the theoretical and artistic contextualization of the
practical part of the thesis. After theoretically defining the concept of landscape, I have
highlighted pastorality and sublimity as the fundamental characteristics of the
dominant representation of the mountain landscape. Moving away from these
characteristics has been the central motif of further development of my photographic
series. By analyzing the photographic concepts I have used in the development of the
series (staged, meta, and silent photography), I have further defined various artistic
decisions made during the research process and elaborated on the specifics of the
final gallery set-up.
Title: Filming Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra snimanja (magistar/magistra snimanja)