Aras, M. (2020). Suvremeni pedagoški pristupi u oblikovanju glumca (Master's thesis). Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art. Retrieved from
Aras, Maruška. "Suvremeni pedagoški pristupi u oblikovanju glumca." Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art, 2020.
Aras, Maruška. "Suvremeni pedagoški pristupi u oblikovanju glumca." Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art, 2020.
Aras, M. (2020). 'Suvremeni pedagoški pristupi u oblikovanju glumca', Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art, accessed 13 March 2025,
Aras M. Suvremeni pedagoški pristupi u oblikovanju glumca [Master's thesis]. Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art; 2020 [cited 2025 March 13] Available at:
M. Aras, "Suvremeni pedagoški pristupi u oblikovanju glumca", Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art, Zagreb, 2020. Available at:
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University of Zagreb Academy of dramatic art (Acting Department) Zagreb
Defense date and country
2020-10-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
FIELD OF ART Theater Arts (Performing and Media Arts) Acting
U ovom diplomskom radu bavila sam se pitanjem pedagogije u radu s glumcima. Istražţivala
sam što su sve svjetski pedagozi pisali na tu temu, osvrtala se na svoja iskustva s Akademije i
na svoja iskustva izvan nje. Pisala sam o pedagoškim pristupima, zanimalo me koji je
najzdraviji pristup mladom glumcu da ga se ne zatvori i da mu se pomogne da razvije svoje
talente i sposobnosti.
Abstract (english)
In this thesis, I dealt with the issue of pedagogy in working with actors. I researched
what world pedagogues wrote on the subject, looked back on my experiences from
the Academy and my experiences outside of it. I wrote about pedagogical approaches, I was
interested in what is the healthiest approach to a young actor not to close him down and to
help him develop his talents and abilities.