Gundić, I. (2021). Memogram (Master's thesis). Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art. Retrieved from
Gundić, Ivan. "Memogram." Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art, 2021.
Gundić, Ivan. "Memogram." Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art, 2021.
Gundić, I. (2021). 'Memogram', Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art, accessed 01 March 2025,
Gundić I. Memogram [Master's thesis]. Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art; 2021 [cited 2025 March 01] Available at:
I. Gundić, "Memogram", Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Academy of dramatic art, Zagreb, 2021. Available at:
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University of Zagreb Academy of dramatic art (Chair of Photography) Zagreb
Defense date and country
2021-01-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
FIELD OF ART Applied Art Photography
Rad Memogram propituje relativnost ideje vrijednosti na primjeru odnosa prema obiteljskoj memoriji. Koristeći interdisciplinarni i multimedijalni pristup prikazujem topljenje obiteljskih želatinskih fotografija koje potom kemijskim postupkom pretvaram u kovanicu čistog srebra. U pisanom dijelu rada Transformacije privatne memorije iz perspektive teorije fotografije, povijesti umjetnosti, etnologije, teorije arhiva i semiotike analiziram odnose između vrijednosti i memorije te kontekstualiziram svoj rad u odnosu na relevantne autore iz suvremene umjetnosti. U okviru vlastite obiteljske povijesti bavim se temama smrtnosti i postsjećanja te promatram poziciju medija fotografije kao mnemoničkog sredstva.
Abstract (english)
The work Memogram examines the relativity of the idea of value on the example of a relationship to family memory. Using an interdisciplinary and multimedia approach, I depict the melting of silver gelatin family photographs which I then chemically convert into a coin of pure silver. In the written part of the thesis, titled Transformations of Private Memory from the perspective of Theory of Photography, Art History, Ethnology, Archive Theory and Semiotics, I analyze the relationship between value and memory and contextualize my work in relation to relevant authors from the history of contemporary art. Within my own family history, I deal with the topics of mortality and remembrance, and I observe the position of the medium of photography as a mnemonic tool.
Title: Filming Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra snimanja (magistar/magistra snimanja)